What is Heuer Defense Inc.?
A complete and versatile program to protect facilities. equipped with a strategic training and defense program created for the defenders of our schools, churches, and other large gatherings of individuals where being protected from mass shootings is a priority. Heuer Defense Inc. emphasizes heavily on determent.
We offer solutions for ALL mindsets, including for those school boards that are opposed to armed security. The solutions we offer that do not include armed security are; signage, green blinding strobe lights, rapid electronic alert system that notifies 911 and a mirco network of defensively trained responders, bullet proof whiteboard shields, bullet proof rapid deployable partition rooms within a classroom and student/teacher trainings.
Defenders of these institutions are unsuspecting people of the community space; IE teachers, coaches, parents, neighbors and church goers as well as law enforcement, thus a solution to provide a skilled defense team to quickly stop an active shooter by as as a result of defensive and on going training, armed with our patented defensive tools, confidence and prepared. Any community member that meets our screening requirements can engage in this training to be applied in any mass social setting.
Heuer Defense Inc. is a branch of Heuer Labs LLC. We are committed to our solution of solving the tragic epidemic of mass shootings that has fallen on our country. Our solution is unlike any other proposed solution. We believe our patented devices, our patent pending rapid alert system and our network of rapid responders will save lives and drastically reduce shootings from happening. We hope that you will join us in our battle to curb mass shootings and to protect our school children, church goers and others that gather in groups.
We offer a complete and versatile program to protect facilities, equipped with a strategic training, our patent pending rapid alert system, defense program and our patented devices created for the defenders of the public. Heuer Defense Inc. emphasizes heavily on the training we provide and upon determent.
Our solution provides a skilled defense team to quickly stop an active shooter. community member that meets our screening requirements can engage in this training to be applied in any mass social setting.
What are they armed With?
One of the hallmarks of our complete program is in of our defensive devices.
Our patent is on a new form of a dual function device, the default and stowed position of the device provides less than lethal impacts to the perpetrator, multiple and highly effective plastic ball rounds with pepper powder to impact the shooter with initially and if required, the defender can switch the device to a lethal response while never taking the shooter out of the defender sights.
A game changer in defending persons in crowds, where collateral death is unacceptable, but collateral injury would be.
We offer several models of our defense devices in a hand version or long rifle configuration.
Patent # US 10,066,889 B2
Additionally we offer our green blinding strobe light and our electronic notification system, both of which activate immediately upon deployment.
How Are our defenders alerted?
We have a streamlined our instant electronic notification system that acts on input from our area defenders once a device is deployed, instant notification goes out to our area defenders that are actively enrolled in our Heuer Defense Inc. program, as well as 911 and thus our defenders respond, similar to that of a neighborhood watch program.
One key component to making this system effective is by which the defensive device is stored. Throughout the premise of the school or facility, there are secure holding boxes located in strategic places where a trained defender can scan their credentials to open and have the defensive device quickly in hand. Once this box opens, the notification system will be deployed allowing other defenders in the building and in the surrounding neighborhood to be quickly respond. This also works for the defenders who carry their device holstered, as it activates the same system once they un-holster their device.
Our trained defenders will be in position, ready and willing to inter the fray within precious seconds of being notified of an active incident. Our defenders very well may be the first responders to intervein and save lives.
How Can we deter Shootings from happening?
As as simple yet effective measure, once a school, event, church or other gathering place enrolls in a Heuer Defense Inc. program, we will display signage that notifies that the facility is being protected by Heuer Defense Inc., that firearms and trained personal may be on the premises.
We harden the facilities, our defenders are seconds away, armed and prepared to stop an active shooter.
Additionally lockboxes will be displayed visibly in several areas, some defenders will carry their devices openly, thus putting on notice to any potential perpetrator from within that these premises are no longer a “soft” target.
Community Rapid Response and results
Having the community protect the innocent is the forefront of our protection plan and as such we are not replacing law enforcement, as we train with law enforcement, but instead equipping the school or facility with the tools, training, and support needed to create the life saving results that have been eluding America for far too long.
With the added benefit of having a less-than-lethal defensive device more people in the community are capable and willing to step up, enter the fray and defend others, creating a stronger and more united front not only for saving lives but also for ongoing community togetherness.